Tuesday, July 2, 2019


[wi- (as in will) + drit (rhymes with spit)]

A petty kingdom now among the possessions of the immortal King-of-Kings who dwelleth in far Kar Kashal, conquered by his phantom army during the War of the Long Dream nearly four-hundred years ago.

The homeland of the Wyddmen, hill-dwelling clans who build villages and stone walls and hunt their sprawling wood-realm for food and sport. They are fond of music and poetry. The last Wyddish king of the true line fell in the midst of the Long Dream, hight Aartan the Chanter. He is entombed in the capital of Wyddrit, the Town of Arke, where King Magnus IV and Queen Calix, both of foreign bloodlines, now hold court.

Wyddrit rests at the southern verge of Troll Country, a cold region of mountainous salt-barrens littered with the bones of giants and the remnants of their ancient keeps. It is said the trolls' territory extends far beneath the world, to the very gates of Subheim where the Chaos-Lords are chained.

Wyddrit is bordered by the equally petty kingdoms of Ystyria (to the east) and Braath (to the west and south-west). Its principle waterway and commercial route is the Rankwater, which flows lazily from a lake found in the highlands of Troll Country. Midway the Rankwater widens into Lake Lixir, the heart of Wyddrit. The Rankwater continues south beyond Wyddrit's borders to eventually empty into the emerald shallows of the Myddle Sea.

Along with Ystyria and Braath, Wyddrit is part of the Kinlands, seven realms who share a common culture (more or less) and speak a common language called Toric. The other Kinlands are Dainsparth, Hustrune, Mologg, North Ardagg and South Ardagg. All are nominally ruled by the King-of-Kings, though he has become a very distant monarch in modern times.

Image: John-Bauer (1910)


  1. This really evokes a place. Even the design of the page goes along with it well.
